A. Islamic Curriculum (Kurikulum Islam)
Pelaksanaan ibadah wajib dan sunnah - Tahsin dan Tahfidz - Fiqih - Hadist
B. Written Curriculum (Kurikulum Nasional)
Kurikulum Nasional yang berkolaborasi dengan wawasan internasional diwujudkan dalam silabus untuk setiap mata pelajaran
C. Hidden Curriculum (Kurikulum tersembunyi)
Diberikan terintegrasi dengan setiap mata pelajaran dalam bentuk nilai-nilai (value) Islam,kerja ilmiah, sopan santun dan sebagainya.
D. Unlimited Curriculum (Kurikulum tak terbatas)
Kurikulum diberikan dalam kaitan pendekatan kontekstual (Contextual Teaching Learning)
- The needs of an education based on leadership (kekhalifahan) as the way to a prosperous, democratic, fair, competitive, and harmonious life t based on Islamic values.
- The needs of an Islamic educational curriculum suitable for present and on-going education programs.
- The needs of an education which is correlated conceptually with science and technology to face the globalization era.
- In this era of globalization, a future international education is determined with an educational process designed to prepare students with religious, emotional and intellectual skills to be responsible citizens in a global competitive life.
- English as an international language has to be applied in daily activities within the school.